
Showing posts from February, 2023

Why is journaling important for mental health?

Why is journaling important for mental health? There are many different ways in which Journaling can positively impact our mental health, some of which include:  Processing events and emotions: Private reflection helps us to come to terms with issues that we may be facing by processing events and their accompanying emotions, and develop a deeper understanding of ourselves and our difficulties or triggers.  Supports a body and mind connection : Journaling has been shown to improve physical health by reducing the amount of stress hormones in the body: Decreasing heart rate and blood pressure  Decreasing of asthmatic and arthritic symptoms Increasing immune system function Increasing digestive system functioning  Improving function of certain internal organs Journaling can help you recognise the warning signs: For example, by writing down how you felt before a panic attack came on, you'll be creating a list of 'what to look out for', from this, you can build a repertoire of  t

Mental wellness made simple

What is mental wellness? One of the best definitions I've come across that encapsulates mental wellness comes from the Singapore association for mental health , they define mental wellness as a positive state of mind that is more than an absence of mental illness.  Mental wellness is something we all take for granted until it begins to dwindle, we often don't even think about our mental state until things have taken a turn. in essence, we're okay until we're not.  What is the difference between mental health and wellness? The difference between mental health and wellness can be confusing, but the main difference is that mental health is determined by diagnosis. For example, this includes mental health disorders such as anxiety, depression and ADHD, to name a few. Where as mental wellness is based on your mental state (whether you’re in a positive or negative mindset).  The biggest difference is that with mental health you often have a treatment plan such as medication o